Tag: IT / Cyber Security

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Tag Archive: IT / Cyber Security


24/7 Network Monitoring — A Critical Piece of the Tech Puzzle

More than ever before, businesses need their networks online and performing 24/7/365. However, due to the inherent frailties of technology components, the increasing likelihood of disruptive weather events, and the near inevitability of a cyberattack, companies — and their networks — are vulnerable. Network monitoring is a critical IT process that…


Multi-Factor Authentication: Simple. Effective. Essential.

When it comes to protecting your corporate data, passwords are the weakest link. Stolen login credentials were responsible for 67% of data breaches in 2020. That’s why multi-factor authentication (MFA) is the gold standard for preventing unauthorized access. Just how…

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Four Lessons Learned About Cyber Security and the Remote Workforce

There’s been no single more significant shift in the workforce than that caused by the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Almost overnight, millions of workers left the office to continue their workplace efforts from their dining room tables. While technologies made…


You’ve Got Mail — And It’s the Single Biggest Threat to Your Organization’s Security

Within the focused field of network security, email security is a bit of an outlier, frustrating IT professionals everywhere. Just don’t click on the bad things, right? To put it bluntly, humans are the weakest link in companies’ cybersecurity efforts….


Advanced Endpoint Protection is First Step in Cybersecurity Battle

If we measured cybercrime as a country, it would be the world’s third-largest economy after the U.S. and China. Just this year, we’ve seen the Colonial Pipeline breach, fallout from the Microsoft Exchange breach, a massive Facebook data leak, and…


When Technology is a Trojan Horse: How Businesses Can Maximize Technology’s Benefits While Minimizing the Risk

Technology has been called a great equalizer, providing tremendous efficiencies that allow small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to compete with larger enterprises. For example, cloud technologies including SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS level the playing field by providing access to vast…


White House Warns Companies to Act Now on Ransomware and Cyberattack Protections

The White House has sent out recommendations to the private sector over how to protect themselves from cyber intrusions after a series of ransomware attacks left companies and government agencies vulnerable. The White House memo lists the following five best…


Lost, Stolen or Hacked: Seven Steps to Curb Device Anxiety

Our devices house our entire lives. From finances to family photos they’re the keepers of our past, present and future. Even the thought of someone gaining unauthorized access is enough to set off alarm bells. When it comes to protecting…


Client Spotlight: Net at Work vCTO Teams Up with bfi

As one of the nation’s largest furniture specifiers and distributor, bfi (Business Furniture, Inc), provides consultative services, product solutions and technical assistance for office, healthcare, institutional, and government environments. bfi engaged Net at Work and its Virtual CTO (vCTO) services…


6 Signs It’s Time to Update Your IT infrastructure

No business wants to stagnate. But treat your IT infrastructure like an afterthought and you could be severely limiting your company’s potential. Let aging systems continue operating as is, and they could quickly turn into a business liability. Yet there…


Taking Telework Cybersecurity to New Levels: How to Secure Every Device, Everywhere

Amid the global increase in remote work driven by the Coronavirus pandemic users are increasingly susceptible to attacks through malware, phishing, and targeted threats. Perimeter security deployed at the office is no longer enough to adequately defend your employees in…


Protecting Business Continuity in the Event of a Coronavirus-based Cyberattack

The unprecedented global pandemic COVID-19 is impacting businesses in ways never before seen. In a recent CNBC survey, more than one-third of senior technology executives said cybersecurity risks have increased as a majority of their employees work from home, and…


COVID-19 Related Cybercrime and PCI Compliance: The Importance of Securing Credit Card Data

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has caused all of us to rethink and revise the way we do business and the way we live in general. In the new environment where a majority of the workforce is working remotely, and businesses and consumers…


Protecting Against the Emerging COVID-19 Phishing Email Threats

As a result of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the widespread discussion of the outbreak in emails and across the web. There continues to be a steady increase in the number of COVID-19-related spear-phishing attacks, up 667% since the…

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