Tag: Cloud ERP

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Tag Archive: Cloud ERP


Data Security in the Cloud

Many considering cloud computing raise concerns about the security of data being stored and accessed online. What’s important to consider is that good providers adhere to strict privacy policies and sophisticated security measures, with data encryption being one example. Companies…


When The Clouds Bring The Rain…

2010 has been a year marked with unprecedented hype around cloud computing. It seems like everywhere you turn a new cloud solution finds its way to the market place. But with all this hype should come a moment of pause….

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If You’re Thinking SaaS or Cloud Did You Consider Virtualization?

Earlier this week I wrote a blog for the Sage ERP Business Management Blog titled 5 Reasons CFOs Are Embracing On-Premise Software. I wrote about how many companies have been taking a closer look at on premise CRM solutions after…

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