We integrated several customizations for youthinc-usa.org, including streamlined donation functionality. Post-launch, the site is fully supported by Net at Works Managed Services.

Youth INC strives to improve the lives of New York City’s next generation by empowering the nonprofit organizations that serve them. Founded in 1995 by former Goldman Sachs investment banker Steve Orr, they were first known as “Youth, I.N.C.”— the acronym stood for “Improving Nonprofits for Children,” a principle that remains the core of their mission today. Looking to expand their reach, add new functionality, and simplify backend site management, they looked to Net at Work.
We delivered an on-time, on-budget functionally enhanced site with donation capabilities on the WordPress platform. Our design team implemented a clean, sleek design and overhauled the user experience, creating a look and feel that instantly establishes user trust and simplifies site navigation. We integrated several customizations for youthinc-usa.org, including streamlined donation functionality. Post-launch, the site is fully supported by Net at Work’s Managed Services.

- Fully customized Word Press implementation
- Key Integrations: Stripe Payment Gateway, Crowdfunding, BuddyPress
- Newsletter submission and signup
- Mobile Optimized
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