Sage Accpac ERP – Picking & Packing accpacsolutions_g

Accpac Warehouse Management System 10.0

Because the warehouse should remain focused on its primary task, fulfilling customer orders, Accpac WMS offers you the most feature rich and efficient ‘picking and packing’ solution available. Taking advantage of RF based barcoding technologies, and seamless integration with Accpac Order Entry, WMS tightly orchestrates the activities within your warehouse, helping you maximize human resources.

Following order receipt, fulfillment is easy as Accpac matches available stock to the order, enabling the warehouse manager to see at a glance which orders can be filled immediately. Staff equipped with RF based handheld computers are given explicit direction in picking every order, including verifying ‘picks’ by reading barcodes to confirm the product selected, the shipping carton in which it is placed in and the quantity required – staff may even pick multiple orders during a single ‘walk’ through the warehouse. From automatic generation of shipping labels, to indicating the right size box for the order, to guiding warehouse employees to the right location to fill orders in the most efficient sequence and serial number and lot number tracking, Accpac WMS is in control. Picking speed and accuracy is greatly improved and customer satisfaction is increased as items shipped are on time and as ordered.

Whichever picking style works for your warehouse—wave, batch, simultaneous or sequential zone—WMS manages the process efficiently. Picking inventory in a warehouse that is managed by WMS means never having to look for ‘missing stock’, or ‘walking around the warehouse’ to fulfill customer orders.

Accpac WMS offers you the ability to maximize the productivity of your warehouse staff. By maintaining detailed information on the flow of inventory from both ‘pick’ and ‘overstock’ location, you can be assured that when your staff is directed to a specific bin – the item will be there. Requests to replenish empty bins may be managed during off-peak hours or coordinated to run simultaneously with picking activities without interruption.

Accpac WMS Receiving & Put Away is a fully integrated component of Accpac WMS. Other modules include:

Net at Work: Accpac Warehouse Management System Authorized Dealer for New York (NY), Accpac Warehouse Management System Authorized Dealer for Rochester (NY), Accpac Warehouse Management System Authorized Dealer for New Jersey (NJ), Accpac Warehouse Management System Authorized Dealer for Connecticut (CT), Accpac Warehouse Management System Authorized Dealer for North Carolina (NC), Accpac Warehouse Management System Authorized Dealer for Raleigh (NC), Accpac Warehouse Management System Authorized Dealer for South Carolina (SC), Accpac Warehouse Management System Authorized Dealer for Virginia (VA), Accpac Warehouse Management System Authorized Dealer for Pennsylvania (PA)