Sage Fixed Assets - Reporting
Customizing relevant fixed asset data for everyone in your organization

Sage Fixed Assets – Reporting comes with functionality to customize the format, display, and context of all your fixed asset management reports. Along with basic reporting features in Sage Fixed Assets – Depreciation, here you can create professional, custom reports, according to your business reporting requirements, and export reports in different formats like PDF, XLS, HTML, XML, and other popular formats.
Sage Fixed Assets – Reporting Benefits:
- Customize existing reports
- Preview layout as you create or edit a report
- Export data in multiple formats
- Unlimited number of sorting and subtotal formulas
- Support for multiple currencies and across multiple companies
- Created visual graphs or images for selected data sets
- Import financial or tax data from external sources
- Handle large volume of data in a single report
- Seamless integration with the entire family of Sage Fixed Assets management solutions
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