Sage Abra Suite – Alert

By: | Category: Employee Experience

The purpose of this alert is to inform our Sage Abra Suite customers that v9SR and Hot Fixes for 7.79 and 7.85 are available to download on SupportPlus Online.

The software update is available from SupportPlus Online for Sage Abra Suite users. This update includes the correction to both the 941 reports. Sage recommends that the Final Quarter Close process not be completed until the corrected files have been installed. If the final quarter close has been processed; Sage recommends a restore back to trial quarter so the correction can be installed. If a restore is not possible, manual edits to the 941 will need to be performed.

Note: To prepare for Year End processes, Sage recommends that you review and validate the data related to the Hire Act for previous quarters.

  • Pre-close 941 and Form 941: Sage has indentified an issue where the Pre-close 941 and Form 941 for Lines 6a and 6b (Hire Act Employee Count) and 6c (Hire Act Wages) are incorrectly populating for customers who currently use multiple companies sharing the same Employer Identification Number (EIN) with Hire Act data to report.
  • Form 941 Line 6 A, B, and C v7.79 and Form 941 Line 6 A, B, and C v7.85 are now available for downloading from SupportPlus Online.
    1. Select Sage Abra Suite 7.x Product Updates.
    2. Select the file corresponding to your Abra Installation: Form 941 Line 6–v7.85 or Form 941 Line 6–v7.79.
    3. Follow the Read Me included in zip file.

Version 9.x Customers

Sage Abra Suite v9SR October 2010 is now available to download. The Abra AWC v9SR will be shipped in late October.

Alert for Sage AWC v9SR

  • Customers are asked to contact Customer Support for guidance if they have started or need to start Open Enrollment prior to receipt of the Sage Abra v9 AWC Product Update.
  • If you do not own AWC, proceed with applying Abra Suite v9SR Product Update.
  • If you are not processing Open Enrollment through AWC, proceed with applying Sage Abra Suite v9SR Product Update.
  • If you own AWC and plan to process Open Enrollment in AWC, we highly recommend contacting Customer Support for further guidance.

You can download Sage Abra Suite v9SR from SupportPlus Online. The zipped file: v9SR October 2010 will include the following items:

  1. Sage Abra Suite v9SR
  2. Release Notes for Sage Abra Suite v9SR

Note: We now include information for all product changes made to the Sage Abra Suite v9 application since the previous Product Update. Therefore, these Product Release Notes will include information for both the Abra Human Resources (HR) and Abra Payroll modules.

If any items are missing, please call Customer Support at 800-829-0170.

  • This update corrects the North Carolina magnetic media file created within Sage Abra.
    • North Carolina Unemployment Insurance Magnetic Media File: Sage has identified an issue where the Quarterly Tax and Wage File for North Carolina will generate an error upon creation. QTR line 254, File ‘ncqtr.prg’ does not exist. Error 1′. (This issue affects only customers on Sage Abra Suite version 9)
    • This update corrects the 941 report issues noted below. Sage recommends that the Final Quarter Close process not be completed until the corrected files have been installed. If the final quarter has been run; we recommend a restore back to trial quarter so the correction can be installed. If a restore is not possible, manual edits to the 941 will need to be performed. Pre-close 941 and Form 941: Sage has identified an issue where the Pre-close 941 and Form 941 for Lines 6a and 6b (Hire Act Employee Count) and 6c (Hire Act Wages) are incorrectly populating for customers who currently use multiple companies sharing the same Employer Identification Number (EIN) with Hire Act data to report.
      Note: To prepare for Year End processes, Sage recommends that you review and validate the data related to the Hire Act for prior quarters.
      Important Reminders
    • Please remember that Sage Abra Suite v9 Product Updates are cumulative and include all changes made to the product. A key advantage to this change is that Quarterly Product Updates (formerly Quarterly Tax Updates), include all changes made to the system, not just tax updates. So with each new Product Update released, you will have the benefit of all product fixes added to the system since the previous release.
    • Product patches (or hot fixes) previously delivered individually, are now included with the Product Updates, which means each fix is no longer applied separately. Information on all changes will be documented and included in the Product Release Notes.

Sage will publish the Product Updates and Release Notes on SupportPlus Online, and these updates can be downloaded. Once you are alerted of product availability, you will be able to locate the most recent updates for Sage Abra on SupportPlus Online. The file will be located on the Products and Documentation site (Download the latest updates). Please do not hesitate to contact Sage if you need technical help with downloading or applying this patch. Call at 800-829-0170, or send an email.