Sage 300 Newsletter – October 2015
Keeping You Up-To-Date With Information About Sage 300
Sage 300 Tips and Tricks: Exporting and Importing Budgets – The Easy Way!
Did you know that Sage 300 comes with a macro that allows users to easily retrieve budget and actual information into a spreadsheet in a clear and understandable format?
Sage 300 Budget macro will quickly create an Excel spreadsheet that includes:
- Actual
- Budget
- Variance
- % Variance
- New Budget
You can find the macro in Sage 300 ERP Macros folder. The location may vary depending on how you have Sage 300 installed.
Example: C:\Sage\Sage300ERP\Macros\Budget.xls
Steps to running the macro include:
- Locate the Budget.xls file in the macros folder
- Hit Retrieve Budget
- Enter your credentials and the database ID
- Enter fiscal year and range of accounts
The macro will extract the data and create the spreadsheet for you. Once you have the budget information in excel you can calculate the new budget and export it back to Sage.
As always, be sure to back up your data before importing as this will change your budget data. If you need assistance with this, just let us know!