Sage 300 Newsletter – January 2016
Keeping You Up-To-Date With Information About Sage 300
State Payroll Tax Filing Deadline – Do You Know Yours?
It’s Payroll Tax Report Filing time! For those users who have recently upgraded and may be new to the Aatrix tax system, you’ll want to know about all the great resources available on their website. This includes a list of each state’s filing due date.
The Federal copy eFile Due Date is not until March 29th at 3PM CST, however many states have different deadlines. Please be sure to check for your specific state filing due date to avoid possible late filing fees. The full list can be found on their website at: https://www.aatrix.com/efile/w2/w2-efile-due-dates/. Please note that if your state requires e-filing, Aatrix fees for the filing service will apply.
If you need assistance with Aatrix filing or other assistance with Sage 300, just let us know. We’re happy to help!