Sage 300 Newsletter – January 2016
Keeping You Up-To-Date With Information About Sage 300
Sage 300 v2016 vs. Sage 300 “C” Version
By now, you have likely heard that Sage has released Sage 300 “C” v2016. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between regular Sage 300 v2016 and the new “C” version.
Difference #1 – Pricing module
Sage has introduced subscription based pricing with version “C” that allows you a variety of payment options including monthly, rather than purchasing the software licensing upfront on an annual or multi-year agreement. This reduces the initial cash outlay for new clients, and for those who choose to pay monthly, can eliminate the once a year lump sum maintenance renewal fee for existing clients. As a current Sage 300 client, you can switch your current perpetual license to a subscription license. Depending on your user count, modules used, and other factors, the subscription based pricing model can make paying monthly a bit easier on cash flow. If you are interested in moving to this pricing model, you will need to work directly with your Net at Work Account Manager. Sage will be offering all clients subscription pricing with their renewals, again please work with our Net at Work Renewal Team and Account Manager so that we can assist you with any questions.
Difference #2 – Web interface for anytime, anywhere access
Sage 300 “C” includes HTML 5 based web screens as the user interface. The new web screens allow you to have anytime, anywhere access to your Sage 300 system using any number of mobile devices including your smart phone (Apple and Android) IPad, tablets, or laptops using all the standard browsers including Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox. Please note these web interface screens are only available if you migrate to subscription. You will need to work with your account manager and our renewal team to make this change.
Difference #3 – Module Bundles
Sage 300 “C” is grouped into three “bundles” so you can choose the best fit for your business. Here is a breakdown of the Essentials, Advanced and Complete bundles.
What’s not different?
Sage 300 C is still installed “on premise”. While Sage 300 “C” can be hosted, it is a hybrid cloud based application, not a pure SAAS cloud model. It is still installed on a server at your site or elsewhere much as the regular Sage 300 is. Some additional security and configuration is required to enable web access, which we are happy to assist you with. In addition, the same desktop user interface you know and love is still there! No re-learning a new user interface if you do not want to. You have a choice to use either one you prefer today.
Oh, and what does the “C” stand for?
Frankly, they have not settled on that yet. Choices are “Connected”, “Collaborate”, and “Complete”. They may or may not select a single meaning for the “C”.
The bottom line
This new release highlights Sage’s continued investment in modernizing Sage 300. This allows you to leverage the new enhancements to improve productivity and grow revenues, while having the full flexibility to choose the licensing model that works best for your business. If you would like more information on Sage 300 C or any other version, please contact us anytime via our website at www.netatwork.com or call one of our skilled team at 1-800-719-3307. Your account manager will be your primary contact at Net at Work to facilitate getting your migration to “C” started.