Sage 300 Newsletter – January 2016
Keeping You Up-To-Date With Information About Sage 300
New Productivity Enhancement Add-On for Sage 300
Many of our Net at Work Sage 300 customers have utilized the TaiRox Productivity Tools (TPT) for Sage 300 for years. TaiRox has just released three (3) major enhancements that now come with the utility.
Apply Documents for Sage 300:
Apply Documents for A/R speeds up matching of receipts to invoices. Ideal for situations where invoices are sent out and checks are received and banked, but not yet applied … or when cleaning-up an old unapplied receipt mess.
Vendor Inquiry for Sage 300
Vendor Inquiry provides 20 dynamic tabs of vendor information.
Vendor Search lets you search for Sage 300 vendors the way you search web pages – now built into several TPT vendor tools including Vendor Inquiry.
For more information or pricing on these modules, please contact your Net at Work Account Manager and we can arrange for a demonstration and provide pricing to your company. If you already own the TaiRox Productivity Tool Set, and want these features added, please contact your primary consultant or account manager to schedule an update to your software via our website at www.netatwork.com or call one of our skilled team at 1-800-719-3307.