Employer Solutions / HRMS Newsletter – March 2021
Keeping You Up-To-Date With Information About Employer Solutions / HRMS
From the Desk of the Employer Solutions Practice Director
By: Mark Dresser, Employer Solutions Practice Director
Preparing the Workplace for a Post-Pandemic World
Probably the biggest business lesson coming out of COVID-19 is that the future workplace will look much different than the pre-pandemic status quo and the challenge, given this “new normal” of a far more distributed workforce, will be keeping employees healthy, involved, and motivated.
The Employer Solutions Practice at Net at Work has been preparing the resources and services that will allow our customers to unleash the power of their technology to better meet their business needs and allow for more sustained growth. The entire team has worked steadfastly for the past year to evolve our resources to better serve our customers:
- Digital Enablement – We have created webinars and whitepapers so to help our customers with the digital transformation. The right HR technology will foster growth.
- Payroll Seminar Series – We will be offering a payroll seminar series for payroll administrators to help enhance the payroll processing function and minimize the risks involved within payroll processing.
- HR Leadership Seminar Series – This leadership series will be led by a leading change management consultant group to provide resources for our customers’ leadership teams to transition into this new workplace. Space will be limited for this series and will begin in April. If interested, please contact me.
Here are some important links for guidance through this transition:
- CDC COVID-19 Resource Center
Workplaces & Businesses – Plan, Prepare, & Respond