Maximizing Workbooks Efficiency: New Features for Flexible Data Extraction and Reporting Optimization

Nectari continues to improve Sage Enterprise Intelligence Workbooks’ latest features and make extracting data even more flexible. They’ve also added some time-saving features to help you edit your SEI reporting trees quickly.
Workbooks Data Extraction
- Automatic Refresh: Improve your workbook’s performance by minimizing data refreshes and turning off “Automatic Refresh.”
- Column headers: Easily customize and edit column headers directly in the worksheet.
- Total rows: Save time creating calculations with automatic sums added in a total row.
- User experience and performance: Watch your data loading with new visual cues like a progress indicator.
Save time and drill down on dashboard data with just one click by turning on the “Enable the single selection” function in “Chart Properties.”
Reporting Tree
Manage larger reporting trees and quickly move nodes up or down to promote them to a “parent” or demote them to a “child” node. See how easy it is to edit your reporting tree structure with a few clicks.
Did you know that SSO configuration is easier than ever?
Configure SAML2 for the Web Client and the Excel Add-In all in a central location with no need to reconfigure your set-up after a software upgrade. Need help configuring SAML2? Click below to see some examples.
BI Buzz: Industry Insights:
Did you know that the manufacturing analytics market is set to reach 58.06 Billion by 2031?*
Nectari has got you covered with plenty of reporting templates for all manufacturing users and analytics for Sage X3 Preventive Maintenance and the Sage 300 AutoSimply Add-on.
Sage X3:
Sage 300:
NEW! Free eLearning Delta Training
Have you had the chance to discover the latest and greatest features of Nectari/SEI? We’re offering a FREE Delta Training eLearning course to maximize your use of the new release.
This course includes information on new features from releases 2024 R2 to 2024 R3.
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- Makes employee training more accessible
- Works as a powerful onboarding platform
- Improves knowledge retention
- Discover new capabilities
- Gain certification relevant to your role
- Reduces overall training costs