Association & Membership Management Software

  • State of the Art Recruitment
  • Automated Dues Processing
  • Membership Web Portals
  • Robust Event Management
  • Capital Campaigns
  • Fund Raising and Donations
  • Robust Accounting Structure
  • Reporting and Dashboards

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Sage Software and Net at Work Offer Solutions That Work The Way You Do

Today more than ever organizations are trying to do more and more with less and less resources. This is even more true of membership and trade organizations. As budgets get squeezed and donations and members become more difficult to acquire these organizations are looking for a better way of doing business.

Sage Software and Net at Work understand the challenges these firms face and are now providing end‐to‐end capabilities for these types of firms. Utilizing the Sage Accpac Extended Enterprise Suite your firm can now have a powerful solution that addresses common issues to this industry.

The first and most common issue firms have is the ability for a small staff to communicate effectively and quickly to future and current members. Using the Sage CRM marketing module mass emails go out to key groups the same day. This engine works great for membership or fundraising activities.

When people sign up or make donations the next key challenge is to process the order and give information to accounting. With a truly integrated engine this can be as simple as clicking one button and letting the finance team take over.

Once a member has been processed Accpac enables you to handle the revenue recognition over the appropriate time period and all of those external spreadsheets are eliminated. And, when renewal time comes around, the team that handles renewals can automatically be notified.

No longer do people spend all of their time talking to each other or pushing the same information into several different sources.

If you or your team has the need to see what Net at Work and Sage can do for you please contact us to get started.


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