MAS 90 MAS 200 v4.4 Product Update 2 Released
Following up an earlier post, Sage MAS 90 and 200 4.4 Product Update Expected by Mid-July, Sage Software has released the v4.4 Product Update 2.
Product Update 2 improves workflow in some of the modules you use most: Bank Reconciliation, Accounts Payable, and Paperless Office. The release also includes a new Pre-Installation Data Scan utility that will help identify data issues prior to installation. Details on the proper use of the Pre-Installation Data Scan utility are available at Sage Online in the Sage ERP MAS 90 and 200 download section.
Bank Reconciliation
- Reconcile Checks Automatically – You can efficiently and automatically reconcile the check information you download from your financial institution. A Wizard helps you create the proper check format for your financial institution specifications. Or, we can configure the setting in our office, export the file, and then import it into your system.
- Enforce Tighter Controls over Bank Reconciliation Adjusting Entries – A new option in Role Maintenance allows you to specify which users are allowed to access and make adjusting entries for each account defined in Bank Code Maintenance.
- Enter Checks, Deposits, and Adjustments On the Fly – Now you have instant access to enter checks, deposits, and adjustments through a quick link button on the Reconcile Bank screen. The button will bring you directly into the Check Deposit and Adjustment Entry screen for that bank, without the need to exit the Reconcile Bank screen or navigate back to the main menu to open a data entry screen.
- Recalculate Outstanding Entries Totals Utility – A new Recalculate Outstanding Entries Totals utility allows you to recalculate the totals of all checks, deposits, and adjustment entries that have not been marked as cleared.
- Positive Pay Export – The new Positive Pay feature helps reduce the chances of check fraud. Positive Pay allows you to send a file to your financial institution to use for comparison and verification against checks that are presented for payment. Key data, such as check number and dollar amounts, must match exactly, or the check will not be paid by the financial institution. Checks sent using Positive Pay are identified with an Exported check box in Check Deposit and Adjustment Entry. A Wizard helps you create the export file in the format specified by your financial institution. To help you understand formatting requirements, a reference document is included that outlines the most commonly used field formatting and export details required by financial institutions.
- Expanded Comment Field – In Check Deposit and Adjustment Entry, the Comment field has been expanded to 2048 characters, enabling you to add information to track why the adjustment was made.
Accounts Payable
By paying vendors electronically you can increase efficiency, improve cash management, and reduce the risk of lost or stolen checks. With this Product Update you will be able to create an ACH (automated clearinghouse) file from the Accounts Payable module. You can enable ACH electronic payments, define how they will be handled, and define the information that will be transmitted to your financial institution.
You can set up multiple financial institutions for your electronic payments. Pre-notes are supported, as well as the ability to allocate amounts between several accounts. ACH information is included on Accounts Payable Reports.
New Paperless Options Added
With this Product Update you will now be able process, send, and retain electronic copies of Accounts Payable checks, extended stubs, and remittance advice documents for ACH Electronic Payments in electronic PDF format. The PDFs you create can be sent by e-mail or fax, archived, and retrieved as needed. Easily access PDFs using the Vendor Viewer from Paperless Office or the Checks panel in Vendor Maintenance Inquiry.
* Remember to please verify this update is compatible with your installation! Contact the Net at Work Helpdesk or your consultant with any questions.