eFile Your Tax Forms
Would you like to file your federal and state tax forms electronically, using up-to-date information from your payroll system? Soon, you will be able to do just that, using Sage Payroll Tax Forms and eFiling by Aatrix. This service is fully integrated into Sage HRMS 2012. You will have the ability to fill out and eFile over 250 U.S. federal and state tax forms and payroll reports. In Q4 for Sage Abra Suite, you will have the ability to efile Form W2s.
Seamless Integration
Federal, state, and Canadian forms supplied by Aatrix will be available within your Sage payroll system. The integration has a built-in menu that enables you to select the package that best suits your needs. You can access the forms you need directly from the Government Reports menus. When you open a form it will be pre-filled with information from your Sage payroll system. You simply review it, edit if necessary, and click eFile. eFiling is completed without additional exports, retyping of data, or logging onto other sites. All reports are time-stamped and saved on your local computer so they will be accessible anytime for review or audit.
Included Reports
The eFile reports are accessed through two new user interfaces and some interfaces, all of which can be found under US Payroll Government Reports and Canadian Payroll Government Reports. Customers can choose a form, review it onscreen, and click eFile. From there, the eFiling is completed without additional exports, typing, or logging onto other sites. Included are forms W2, 940, 941, 943, 944, 945, state tax forms and the T4 and ROE for Canadian customers.
Pricing For The eFiling Service
Customers who electronically file have reported reducing their tax form preparation time from 20 hours to 2 hours. Annual e-File package pricing (available for U.S. only) starts at $69 for 1-4 employees. For most customers package pricing is the best option. However, if you do not have many reports to file, à la carte pricing also is available at $7.95 per report plus 25 cents an employee for list reports.
Studies show that in-house production of IRS Form W-2, including the purchase of preprinted forms, can cost as much as $4.50 per employee. When you electronically file forms your costs are less than half this amount and you save significant processing time as well. Options and pricing for printing and filing W-2 forms are as follows:
Complete W-2 Service:
- $1.79 per employee
- Filed with federal and state agencies
- Printed and mailed directly to employees
- Posted online for employee access
Express W-2 Service:
- $.99 per employee
- Filed with federal and state agencies
- Posted online for employee access
Federal and State:
- $.99 per employee
- Filed with federal and state agencies
- $ .69 per employee
- Filed with state agencies
Canadian pricing for the ROE is $7.95 per report and $0.25 per employee.
Once you have installed the new software release, you will be able to choose the appropriate package and enroll right from within the software. You can view a recorded demo of this useful new service at http://sage.adobeconnect.com/p4c0d0yv0ze/. Call us with your questions.