Creating A New Company In MAS 90/200 Is Easy As 1-2-3
At year end, it is useful to establish an archive company for the year’s data using the Copy Company feature. This gives you a readily accessible copy of the current yearís data even after you perform year-end processing in your live company. To make a copy, select the Company Maintenance task from the Library Master module, Main Menu. Create a company code that is easy to identify, such as A for archive and the last two digits of the year – 10 for the year 2010. Next, from the new company’s Company Maintenance screen, click on the Copy button and type in the Company Code of your current year’s live company. You will be presented with a list of the installed modules in that company and you can select which modules you wish to copy to your archive company. The steps below provide an overview of the process.
1. Set Up A New Company:
Create a new (archive) Company Code into which your 2010 data will be copied. Next, enter in the source company code (your current live company) to copy the data from.
2. Select Modules To Copy:
For the purpose of creating an archive company, we suggest you select all modules and copy them to your new company code.
3. Confirm:
After you have confirmed your selection, answer Yes to the prompt to copy all selected data files to the archive company. It is that easy.