Category: IT / Infrastructure

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Category Archive: IT / Infrastructure


WannaCry, Ransomware and Protecting Your Business – What you Need to Know

By now you are sure to have heard of the WannaCry ransomware, an unprecedented malware attack that began late last week. While the ransomware spread has slowed, it hasn’t stopped. As of this morning 200,000+ systems are believed to have…


A Look at Document Management Disaster Recovery: Prepare for the Worst with the Best

Do you have a disaster recovery plan you feel good about? In today’s data-driven world, it’s important that your answer to that question is yes! The average office employee in the United States handles 10,000 physical sheets of paper each…

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Cybersecurity: The New Business Priority

When will your Company Suffer a Security Incident? In the annual PwC, CIO and CSO Global State of Information Security Survey of more than 9,600 global executives, 41 percent of US respondents had experienced one or more security incidents during…


5 Reasons to Keep Your Business Software Up to Date

I think you will agree that all things wear out. And you know that for your business to operate at its best, your premises, equipment, vehicles, materials and supplies must all be well maintained and periodically replaced. Common business sense…


Are You Spending Too Much on Your Business Technology? Or Too Little?

Making decisions about your business technology spend can be a difficult and confusing process. And when there are so many other demands for your precious cash flow, spending on technology is often put on the back burner, after all the…


Intel Security Announces End of Life (EoL) for McAfee SaaS Email Protection Products

Intel has recently announced End of Life (EoL) for McAfee SaaS Email Protection (MX Logic) products. In this post we will explain what this announcement means, and discuss Proofpoint, the alternative solution to McAfee SaaS Email Protection.


What About Windows 10?

Microsoft released Windows 10 in July of 2015 as a Free Upgrade to any user of Windows 7 or 8. The free upgrade is being offered for 1 year. Windows 10 was seen as a big turnaround from Windows 8,…


Creating Cyber Awareness

October has been designated National Cyber Security Awareness Month with the goal of raising awareness about cybersecurity. While small businesses may not consider themselves targets for cyber attacks, small businesses have valuable information cyber criminals seek, such as employee and customer records, bank account information and access to the business’s finances, and access to larger networks. In some ways, small businesses are at a higher risk of cyber-attacks than larger businesses because they often have fewer resources dedicated to cybersecurity.


Growing a Business from Startup to Finish

SmartCEO gathered alumni of its Future 50 program, which honors up-and-coming, fast-growth companies, to look back on past challenges and share future plans. As a Future 50 alum, our co-founder, Edward Solomon was one of the Roundtable panelists.


Why SMBs are Migrating off of Windows Server 2003

As Memorial day weekend approaches, it is another reminder how quickly July 14, the day Microsoft ends support for Windows Server 2003, is approaching. If you are running Windows Server 2003, we want to make sure we are doing what we can to advise you on your options and what it means if your business is still running it after July 14, 2015.


The Case for an IT Specialist

Would you hire your handyman to replace your boiler or even rewire your home? Probably not, so why wouldn’t you use a specialist for strategic IT projects at your company? Read More about the reasons to employ a licensed specialist over a general IT professional.


Windows Server 2003 – Path to Migration

With a little over 3 months before Windows Server 2003 End of Support (EOS), you should have already begun your planning to migrate your applications off of Windows Server 2003. Starting your planning and migration today is the only way to ensure that come July 14th, 2015 your critical applications and workloads are safely and securely running. In this post we include some suggested steps towards a smooth Windows 2003 Server Migration.


Windows Server 2003 End of Support – An Opportunity for Transformation

In July 2010, Microsoft transitioned from providing mainstream support for Windows Server 2003 to releasing critical patches only. July 14, 2015 marks another transition, this time the end of Microsoft support for Windows Server 2003/R2. Now is the time to understand that the end of support and the end of life of Windows Server 2003 means that your business needs to ensure that it has a plan to migrate the applications and workloads currently relying on Windows Server 2003 onto Windows Server 2012 R2 or Microsoft Azure.


Business Continuity Awareness Week

Designed for the IT industry, Business Continuity Awareness Week (March 16–20, 2015) aims to educate our global IT community on how to create a business continuity plan + get the most out of your business continuity solution. We hope this essential kit adds some pizzazz to your celebration.

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