Category: IT / Infrastructure

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Category Archive: IT / Infrastructure


Future in Motion: Top Tech Trends for 2022

Gartner’s annual Strategic Technology Trend list is considered to be the de¬finitive predictor of what’s to come. Innovative businesses with the most successful track records know to pay attention to everyone. This year’s trends fall into three distinct categories: engineering…


7 Key Steps to Improving Your Data Security

The increased frequency of cyber attacks have greatly reinforced the vulnerability of networks and the near inevitability of a cyber incident. Staying ahead of phishing, ransomware, and the new wave of sophisticated cyberthreats means addressing vulnerabilities has never been more crucial. The best safeguard is…

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The Business Imperative for Modern Business Management Software

As a small or midsized business (SMB) operating in a rapidly evolving marketplace, the right business management software can create and differentiate your brand, giving you a decisive competitive edge. Speed and agility — two attributes of “modern” software applications…


Why Cyber Liability Insurance Coverage Just Got Harder to Get

Cyber liability insurance is gaining in popularity as a tool to help companies hedge the financial losses caused by the rising threat of cyber incidents. However, recent changes are making cyber coverage harder to buy. What is the state of…


Log4j Zero-Day Vulnerability: What You Need to Know

On December 9, a critical vulnerability was revealed in Apache’s Log4J, a popular Java open source logging system by developers of web and server applications. The vulnerability affects a broad range of services and applications on servers, making it extremely…


4 Ways an MSP Helps Proactively Manage Your IT Environment

100-year storms. Global pandemics. Supply chain gridlocks. Over the last several years, businesses experienced multiple waves of serious and disruptive events. Some were crippled by the unexpected. Others didn’t miss a beat. Of those that fared well, many worked with…


The Real Costs of Systems Downtime

In March 2019, a 14-hour outage cost Facebook (now Meta) an estimated $90 million. Another six-hour outage hit the social media giant in October of 2021, inflicting what could have been another $38 million hit. Coincidentally, as I’m writing this,…


Section 179 & Cost-Saving Advantages of Making Business Technology Purchases Before Year-End 2021

If you’re considering a software or hardware purchase, but just haven’t been able to pull the trigger – ask your tax advisor about Section 179 and the benefits of making purchases before December 31, 2021. Or, contact Net at Work…


Your Business Management Software Has a Lot to Say About You And Your Customers, Prospects & Competitors are Listening

Back in 2014, Forrester made a bold statement. “Software is becoming the brand,” its analysts declared. Your software and users’ interaction with the software significantly influences the perception of your company, they pointed out. Fast forward a few years to…


CIO + CFO: The Ultimate Digital Transformation Partnership

By the time you reach the C-suite level, the roles are so specialized they may appear to have almost no overlap. It’s certainly the case with CIOs and CFOs; however, that’s changing. As companies embark on their digital transformation journeys,…


24/7 Network Monitoring — A Critical Piece of the Tech Puzzle

More than ever before, businesses need their networks online and performing 24/7/365. However, due to the inherent frailties of technology components, the increasing likelihood of disruptive weather events, and the near inevitability of a cyberattack, companies — and their networks — are vulnerable. Network monitoring is a critical IT process that…


7 ways SaaS supercharges Your Digital Transformation Efforts

The pandemic proved customer behaviors can turn on a dime. Companies that weren’t able to keep up quickly found there was a line of competitors waiting to take up the slack. If you’re like most businesses, that reality means your…


Multi-Factor Authentication: Simple. Effective. Essential.

When it comes to protecting your corporate data, passwords are the weakest link. Stolen login credentials were responsible for 67% of data breaches in 2020. That’s why multi-factor authentication (MFA) is the gold standard for preventing unauthorized access. Just how…


Four Lessons Learned About Cyber Security and the Remote Workforce

There’s been no single more significant shift in the workforce than that caused by the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Almost overnight, millions of workers left the office to continue their workplace efforts from their dining room tables. While technologies made…

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