Employee Recruiting Made Easy
The investment in an employee starts even before the actual hiring, and the costs of finding a new employee go way beyond posting a job opening. A web-based recruiting tool such as Cyber Recruiter helps hiring managers and recruiters manage…
HR Actions For Sage HRMS
Web-based self-service system streamlines delivery of HR services You can revolutionize the workflow of your HR and Payroll departments with the Sage endorsed solution—HR Actions® for Sage HRMS. This self-service, Web-based system streamlines delivery of HR services and makes it…
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Sage HRMS Tip: Synchronizing Attendance Plans With Payroll
In this post we offer some tips to ensure that payroll and time-off management are synchronized. Setting Up Attendance Plans From the Navigation Pane, select Attendance/Rules/Attendance Setup. If there is more then one company, the Employer Selection dialog box will…
Sage ABRA HRMS Name Change: Sage HRMS
Sage Abra will launch as Sage HRMSIn 2012 the names of many of Sage’s core product lines, including Sage Abra HRMS, will be changing. We recognize that many have been using the software—with their very familiar brand names!—for many years,…
Integrated HR and Payroll System For Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL
If you use Sage ERP MAS 200 SQL, you have an option to use an integrated, SQL-based human resources and payroll system — Sage HRMS. By managing your payroll and HR processes in house you can save money while gaining…
Outsourced Payroll Considerations
Outsourcing your payroll processing can help reduce your workload and regardless of your company’s size outsourcing can make payroll simpler and more cost effective. In this post we will take a look at full-service CompuPay, offering market-leading payroll product features…
eFile Your Tax Forms
Would you like to file your federal and state tax forms electronically, using up-to-date information from your payroll system? Soon, you will be able to do just that, using Sage Payroll Tax Forms and eFiling by Aatrix. This service is…
Keys to Selecting An In-house Payroll System
Choosing the right payroll system for your organization is a big decision. Should you process payroll in house or should you outsource? What features and options does your company require? If you are thinking of making a change to your…
HRMS Can Be More Than An HR Department Productivity Tool
The effectiveness of human resource management software is usually judged by how much more efficient the HR worker becomes and how the software helps the HR department accomplish daily tasks. In this post, we take a look at another measure…
Sage Abra SQL HRMS Payroll
Managing your payroll and HR processes in-house can save you money while giving you tools that support compliance with regulations, greater control over costs, and the ability to increase employee satisfaction, and help retain your top-performing workers. Here we focus…
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Compliance
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) is a federal law that has been in place since 1994. For persons who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, USERRA ensures that they are: Not disadvantaged in their…
Net at Work Named to the VAR500 ranking of Top Technology Integrators
We are proud to announce that today Net at Work was recognized by Everything Channel as a part of CRN’s 2011 VAR500 list, which ranks the top technology integrators in North America. Featuring the highest producing technology integrators and solution…
The Family & Medical Leave Act: The Importance of Record Keeping as Proof Of Compliance
When does an employee qualify for the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? What rights does the employer have? In this post we cover these issues and the importance of good record keeping as proof of compliance. Who Qualifies For…
Sage Abra Payroll Updated Quarterly Tax Update Schedule
Sage Abra users with Payroll functionality, the chart below provides the Quarterly Tax Updates schedule for a given period and supported versions of Sage Abra. This information is current as of today but there may be a change to the…