Category: Distribution / Manufacturing

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Category Archive: Distribution / Manufacturing


How Manufacturers and Distributors Can Build an Agile Supply Chain for the Post-Pandemic Era

Slowly but surely, the world is reopening. Factories are catching up on backlogs, and supply chains are rumbling back to life. Despite these positive signs, no one is suggesting we go back to business as usual. Wholesale distributors and manufacturers…


The Strategic Supply Chain Role of the Post-Pandemic CFO

Manufacturers and distributors find themselves amidst a new set of post-pandemic challenges. Demand is sky-high, costs are volatile, labor is scarce, and over-stressed supply chains struggle to get back up to speed. In fact, with so much disruption to global…

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The Supply and Demand Roller Coaster — How Manufacturers and Distributors Can Stop the Ride

At the height of the pandemic, demand for many goods and services tanked. Restaurants and retailers shuttered and millions were out of work. Today, we seem to have the opposite problem. Demand is sky-high, supplies are limited, and skilled workers…


Post-Pandemic Supply Chain Challenges: How Manufacturers and Distributors can Grow Amidst Uncertainty

The pandemic revealed significant vulnerabilities in supply chains around the world. The challenge now is to build them back — better. The coronavirus pandemic disrupted supply chains around the world. Almost instantly, we saw lead times and prices jump while…


Key Strategies to Grow Profits in Manufacturing

Many growing manufacturing businesses operate with fixed budgets and finite resources. Forced to put out daily fires, fulfill the most pressing customer requests and manage customer issues, managers don’t always have the time or energy to develop—and put into action—new…


Profit from ERP – Nice Link, Net at Work and Acumatica Cloud ERP (Podcast)

As the Covid-19 pandemic hit in March, Nice Link, a wholesale distributor of furniture began to see a slew of orders cancelled. Nice Link had projects underway to upgrade the backend software of his US based business. Quickbooks couldn’t handle…


Project Spotlight: Designs on Growth – Net at Work Helps Nice Link Home Furnishings Scale

A direct importer of fashion-forward furnishings from China, Nice Link Home Furnishings distributes its products through major eCommerce and brick-and-mortar retailers including Wayfair, Costco, Ashley, and Macy’s. Nice Link, running on QuickBooks, knew it needed to modernize its company’s technology…


Are You Losing Money with Inefficient Warehouse Operations?

Whether you’re a small distributor, a mid-size manufacturer or even a large retailer, warehouse optimization should be the top-most concern as no other area of the business can deliver greater gains in efficiency, accuracy, speed, customer service, and ultimately profitability….


Mastering eCommerce and Omnichannel as a Distributor

To compete effectively in the digital selling environment, wholesale distributors need robust, user-friendly ecommerce storefronts and omnichannel platforms that can meet the needs of B2C and B2B customers that want their orders fulfilled accurately within one or two days. Meeting these demands…


5 Reasons Wholesale Distributors Can’t Master Ecommerce and Omnichannel

To compete effectively in the digital selling environment, wholesale distributors need robust, user-friendly ecommerce storefronts and omnichannel platforms that can meet the needs of B2C and B2B customers that want their orders fulfilled accurately within one or two days. Meeting…


CRM For Manufacturing: 3 Key Areas that Directly Impact Operational Performance

Many manufacturing firms have made investments in Manufacturing CRM Software to help manage their sales processes. They’ve put in place opportunity and quoting management, activity tracking and often analytic tools to measure potential sales and pipeline. As a result, most…


ERP: The Backbone of the Customer Experience

Customer centricity is unsurprisingly becoming the norm in today’s B2C and B2B space as more businesses are realizing they need to adopt a customer centric approach in order to remain competitive. Companies like Amazon have made the consumerization of B2B…


Project Spotlight: Brick It Selects Net at Work and Sage X3 ERP as Part of its Framework for Success

Like many growing manufacturing companies, Brick It had outstripped the capabilities of its older accounting software and needed a solution that provided a combination of broad distribution and deep manufacturing capabilities. Brick It manufactures and distributes an innovative grid system…


Top Technologies Disrupting the Manufacturing Industry

The world is in the midst of what many are calling the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and digital technology is upending every sector of the economy. Nowhere is this more obvious than in manufacturing, where everything from planning, design, and preorder…