Reduce Risk, Increase Revenue, And Decrease Costs By Making Better Use Of Your Data
In a marketplace undergoing prolonged workforce challenges, sourcing bottlenecks, cyberattack concerns and inflationary pressures, industrial manufacturers know that a strong digital transformation strategy can help overcome these issues. But how can manufacturers get started on the difficult, ongoing process of…
The Key to Unlocking Profits through Employee Engagement and Retention
According to the U.S Chamber of Commerce, there were 693,000 open manufacturing jobs as of March 2023. The sourcing and retention of talent is impacting manufacturers already trying to manage demand, continued supply chain issues and rising costs. Manufacturers that…
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The Construction and Agricultural Market Conditions Affecting Equipment Manufacturers
Trends affecting industrial manufacturers continue to shift, with the continuation of the labor shortage and activity boosted by the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Inflation Reduction Acts, causing industrial manufacturers to look toward data-driven outlooks. To help…
Technology Advisor Net at Work Fills the Cloud ERP Needs of Sonic Packaging with NetSuite
For more than 26 years, Sonic Packaging Industries has been designing custom packaging solutions for customers across a wide variety of industries. Known for their out-of-the-box thinking, Sonic Packaging has built a reputation for creating and delivering inventive and functional…
The Roundtable Recap: Business Automation in Modern Distribution
Modern Distribution Management’s Tom Gale led a panel of experts as they distilled decades of distribution experience into best practices for applying business automation The process distributors undergo to choose automation tools is often based on their specific needs and…
Heavy Equipment Manufacturer Finds Concrete Solutions with Net at Work
The award-winning curb extrusion equipment manufacturer, Power Curbers Companies, has been helping contractors construct barrier walls, sidewalks, curbs and other projects with excellence for 70 years. The Power Curbers Companies’ complex, configure-to-order machine manufacturing and global onsite assembly operations require…
Healthy Supply Chain Management Positions UniWell for Growth
UniWell Laboratories, a contract manufacturing and packaging facility in Texas, is a leader in the development of nutraceuticals, OTC pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements. The company was eager to capitalize on growth in these markets, which is projected to reach more…
Supply Chain Issues are Zapping Profits: What Can SMBs Do To Minimize Risk?
Record-hitting inflation, worker shortages, cybersecurity risks, natural disasters and shifting demands are stressing what was an already fragile supply chain. Some economists note this is the worst supply chain crisis we’ve seen in 50 years. Every sector of the economy…
How Chemical Companies Can Mitigate the Impacts of the War in Ukraine
Earlier this year, as the world economy continued reopening, the US chemical industry was poised for a strong recovery. But just when chemical companies thought they could catch their breath, Russia sucked the air out of the room. How the…
The ‘Just in Case’ Supply Chain Mindset:
How Manufacturers are Accelerating Digital Strategies
Over the last two years manufacturing has been the definition of resilient. From losses in financial and human capital to complete operational overhaul, it’s weathered the worst – and come out ahead. Not only did manufacturers make in-the-moment pivots, they’ve…
Project Spotlight: How JR’s POS Depot is Forging Ahead with Net at Work and Acumatica
JR’s POS Depot are distributors of a full complement of point-of-sale equipment to financial institutions and gateway partners. Founded more than 20 years ago, JR’s POS Depot has a well-earned reputation for providing a wide-range of equipment coupled with value-added…
Discrete Manufacturers: Say Goodbye to Supply Chain Headaches and Hello to Traceability
For discrete manufacturers, supply chain challenges are increasing every year and becoming more of a daily concern. A recent report from IDC says that 97% of discrete manufacturers will focus on visibility, with 60% concentrating their efforts on end-to-end traceability…
Demand Planning Takes on New Importance: Post-pandemic Forecasting Requires Clear Insight
It seems everyone is talking about the shock to the world’s supply chains triggered by the pandemic and its nascent recovery. With much of the focus on how to get raw materials when and where we need them, less of…
The Digital Imperative for Manufacturers
It’s ingrained in the American psyche — the scrappy, hardworking individualism, resourcefulness, and sheer determination that leads to entrepreneurial success. The only trouble with that trope is that scrappy is just not scalable. While brute force and a commitment to…