Category: CRM

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Category Archive: CRM


Why Don’t SMBs Hit Growth Projections (and How Can You Get Back on Track)?

Small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) often fail to hit their own growth targets and other financial goals, which can lead to poor decision-making, missed opportunities to secure capital, and other negative repercussions. The good news is that if your SMB…


Quick CRM Tip: How to Find Your Dashboard in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

In this video our Microsoft Dynamics CRM expert will walk you through how to find a newly created Dashboard or find a missing Dashboard in CRM. Contact Us if you have any questions or would like more information about Microsoft…

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Quick CRM Tip: How to Modify a Form Using Microsoft Power App

In this video our Microsoft Dynamics CRM expert will walk you through how to modify a form using the new Microsoft Power Apps. Contact Us if you have any questions or would like more information about Microsoft CRM or Microsoft…


Why Microsoft Dynamics CRM Is Not Only for Sales & Marketing

A quick google search of “Microsoft Dynamics CRM” will lead most people to believe that Dynamics CRM, customer relationship management software, is meant for sales and marketing. This might discourage customers outside those departments and verticals from exploring Dynamics CRM…


Taking the “C” out of CRM

Not too long ago, I (virtually) met with a client of mine, who was telling me about all the frustrations their team is experiencing with their current ‘issue tracking tool’. She detailed all the enhancements her team had been asking…


Why Your Competition is Killing Your Customer Retention

I don’t know about you, but every time I call customer service for something I end up having to provide all of my information and give a five-minute monologue over the phone only to get transferred to someone new to…


Checkmate – CRM Meets the Pandemic

The pandemic has drastically evolved consumer expectations by exacerbating what was already a hustle for higher quality services, more speed, more acknowledgment, and overall richer experiences. Either a business continued to scramble playing catchup to stay relevant or pivoted to…


Creating a Next-Gen Customer Experience Must Become Your Top Priority

We’re living in a time of superlatives. Good is not good enough – we want the best. Fast is not fast enough – we want it now. It’s a shift that predates the pandemic, one which many trace to retailers…


The Business Imperative for Modern Business Management Software

As a small or midsized business (SMB) operating in a rapidly evolving marketplace, the right business management software can create and differentiate your brand, giving you a decisive competitive edge. Speed and agility — two attributes of “modern” software applications…


Project Spotlight: Ultraflex Saves 500 Hours Annually With Help from Net at Work and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

Ultraflex Systems creates flexible, durable, and show-stopping soft signage, building wraps, banners, floor and wall coverings, and graphics used by retailers and brands around the world. Sold through a network of resellers, they generate demand for their unique creations and…


Demand Planning Takes on New Importance: Post-pandemic Forecasting Requires Clear Insight

It seems everyone is talking about the shock to the world’s supply chains triggered by the pandemic and its nascent recovery. With much of the focus on how to get raw materials when and where we need them, less of…


The Digital Imperative for Manufacturers

It’s ingrained in the American psyche — the scrappy, hardworking individualism, resourcefulness, and sheer determination that leads to entrepreneurial success. The only trouble with that trope is that scrappy is just not scalable. While brute force and a commitment to…


Are You a Salesforce User? Tips and Tricks for a Remote Workforce

In a time of social distancing, many organizations are embracing remote work on a large scale for the first time. For these organizations, it can be a major cultural shift to have employees working from home. Fortunately, with CRM solutions…


Complimentary Web-Based CRM Training Courses

As part of our larger effort to assist businesses during this unprecedented time, we continue to add to our complimentary live training courses for anyone looking to learn more about the power of the technology you already own, or solutions…