Category: Cloud Computing

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Category Archive: Cloud Computing


Signs It’s Time to Consider Changing your Fund Accounting System

If your nonprofit is struggling under the inefficiency of an outdated or underpowered accounting system, you already feel the pain. The extra work involved to evaluate software and build a business case will be worth it when your organization strengthens…


Why Cyber Liability Insurance Coverage Just Got Harder to Get

Cyber liability insurance is gaining in popularity as a tool to help companies hedge the financial losses caused by the rising threat of cyber incidents. However, recent changes are making cyber coverage harder to buy. What is the state of…

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Your Business Management Software Has a Lot to Say About You And Your Customers, Prospects & Competitors are Listening

Back in 2014, Forrester made a bold statement. “Software is becoming the brand,” its analysts declared. Your software and users’ interaction with the software significantly influences the perception of your company, they pointed out. Fast forward a few years to…


Why Sage ERP On-Premise Users are Moving to Sage Intacct Cloud

If you are ready to move to the cloud – or are planning to do so at some future date – we are ready with Sage’s industry leading cloud-based financial management solution. Who better to help you weigh the merits…


When Technology is a Trojan Horse: How Businesses Can Maximize Technology’s Benefits While Minimizing the Risk

Technology has been called a great equalizer, providing tremendous efficiencies that allow small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to compete with larger enterprises. For example, cloud technologies including SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS level the playing field by providing access to vast…


Profit from ERP – Nice Link, Net at Work and Acumatica Cloud ERP (Podcast)

As the Covid-19 pandemic hit in March, Nice Link, a wholesale distributor of furniture began to see a slew of orders cancelled. Nice Link had projects underway to upgrade the backend software of his US based business. Quickbooks couldn’t handle…


Moving Your ERP to the Cloud – 7 Things to Consider

Every company is no doubt aware of cloud computing and the dramatic rise in popularity it has demonstrated in recent years. Many are asking themselves “Should we be moving to the cloud?” Cloud computing is almost certainly a part of…


Project Spotlight: Designs on Growth – Net at Work Helps Nice Link Home Furnishings Scale

A direct importer of fashion-forward furnishings from China, Nice Link Home Furnishings distributes its products through major eCommerce and brick-and-mortar retailers including Wayfair, Costco, Ashley, and Macy’s. Nice Link, running on QuickBooks, knew it needed to modernize its company’s technology…


What the C-suite must know about IoT

In October 2016, a botnet of connected devices (or ‘things’) daisy-chained with the Mirai malware and knocked sites like Twitter, Spotify, and GitHub offline at various times. As we live in a world where more and more everyday devices –…


How to Transition to Industry 4.0 with Internet of Things (IoT)

The fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, is here. Industry 1.0 was defined by the replacement of human labour with water and steam power; Industry 2.0 was defined by electric power; Industry 3.0 by the introduction of computers; and Industry…


5 Things to Know Before Moving Your Sage 300 to the Cloud

Cloud Hosting Options for Sage 300 (Accpac) These days it seems like everything and everyone is “on the cloud.” However, it is important to know what that means before moving your Sage 300 (Accpac) to the cloud. There are undeniable…


Top Advantages of Managed Cloud-Based Data Backup

Securely backing up company information is crucial in ensuring that valuable data isn’t lost or compromised. While an organization can use internal resources for this task, in many cases a managed cloud engagement makes more sense. This post will discuss…


5 Things to Know Before Moving Your Sage 100 to the Cloud

Cloud Hosting Options for Sage 100 (MAS 90) These days it seems like everything and everyone is “on the cloud.” However, it is important to know what that means before moving your Sage 100 (MAS 90) to the cloud. There…


3 Technologies Changing the Game in 2018

At first glance, the cost of adopting new technologies can seem daunting. But for technologies destined to define how businesses run in the future, the long-term value far outweighs the initial costs. Internet of Things. Cloud. Augmented reality. Virtual reality….