
SSAE 16 & SOC1 Reports for Sage X3


Are your auditors requesting SOC1 compliance reports for Sage X3? Sage Software has released information regarding SSAE 16 and SOC compliance reports via Sage Knowledgebase article 22901.  Because Sage X3 is not a multi-tenant application hosted by the publisher, it…


MRP Starting Stock in Sage X3


The calculation of MRP starting stock – the quantity of the product in stock at the start of the MRP process – differs depending on whether the product is non-versioned, versioned, or project related. In this blog, originally posted on…

Sage X3 FDA Compliance Validation


FDA software validation is when an FDA-regulated company “establishes documented evidence which provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes.” While the FDA provides guidelines regarding…
