Acumatica Summit 2024:
Valuable Insights and a Clear Vision

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From groundbreaking product announcements to insightful keynotes and networking with industry leaders, Acumatica 2024 was packed with valuable insights and a clear vision on how their technology will help businesses build the future together.

Seventeen Net at Work employees and more than 40 current customers met for this year’s event, held in Las Vegas to learn not only about Acumatica’s industry-leading solutions, but also to learn from each other. At Booth #506, they also had opportunities to make and learn from new friends from all over the Acumatica community.

Among the highlights of the 2024 Summit was the announcement of the Acumatica 2024 RI release, which is now available in beta to current Acumatica customers. The product’s new features include enhanced AP (Accounts Payable) Bill capabilities, access to distribution requirements planning functionality, the general availability of Amazon entirely in Acumatica, and many more.

Another highlight was an award the Show and Sell contest—congratulations to Ralph Ceccarelli and Marshall Beranek (pictured here with Acumatica executives) for their 3rd place finish!

“The commitment to customer success and community was palpable, a vision and focus that truly sets Acumatica apart,” says Chris Cleary, Acumatica Practice Director. “Now we’re excited to apply what we’ve learned and continue our partnership with Acumatica to deliver excellence.”

Contact us to talk to a technology expert about what Acumatica can do for your business.