Quiz: Is Your Technology an
Accounting Inhibitor or Enabler?

Audit your current financial technology by taking this quiz and determine if your systems are inhibiting or enabling your accounting function.

Sometimes the technology your organization relies on—whether it’s spreadsheets, server-based software, even paper—to help you manage cash flow, cut costs and protect your organization is the direct source of your business process challenges. Let’s get started and find out if your systems are inhibiting or enabling your accounting function today.

Accounting Technology Quiz

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 13

Are you able to close your books in less than a week*


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Net at Work

Founded in 1996, Net at Work is a leading technology advisor to thousands of small-to-medium sized businesses throughout North America. The award-winning consultancy offers a rich portfolio of technology, expertise, and services to help organizations derive value from the transformative effects of technology. To start unleashing the power of your business, visit www.NetatWork.com and connect with a technology expert today.