April Expert Workshops Available on Sage University

Elevate your skills by attending new Expert Workshops delivered by the Sage Center of Excellence team.
Sage X3 Expert Workshops have been added in SageU. Seats are limited be sure to sign up today! Below are scheduled classes through end of April, including many new courses.
April Expert Workshops
- Apr 4 Workflows and 4GL: Learn how to use workflow actions to update tables, create bespoke ACTIONS, use functions and entry points for advance bespoke contents and actions management, and understand how to use workflow in Syracuse or hybrid contexts.
- Apr 4-5 Putting GraphQL to Practice: Learn how to use the existing GraphQL APIs and practice retrieving information from and write to Sage X3.
- Apr 4-5 Tips & Tricks for Importing & Exporting Data: Learn best practices for handling different import and export standard requirements and learn about specific script statements to work with when importing or exporting data.
- Apr 4-7 Multi-legislation Set Up: Learn how to implement, in the same folder, companies coming from different countries and using different legislations.
- Apr 4-7 AVC stock valuation recommendations & troubleshooting: Learn the setup involved and how postings are made to the general ledger and reflected on specific reports
- Apr 7 Developing Add-ons for Sage X3: gain a better understanding on the rules and best practices for developing official add-ons for Sage X3, analyzing 4GL code and the impact.
- Apr 7-8 Implementing MRP: Learn the best way to implement MRP. You will learn how to use MRP efficiently including understanding why maintaining data integrity and accuracy is essentials.
- Apr 12-14 Shipments Preparation & Packing: Learn the concepts for shipment preparation and packing, as well as the settings and process flow through different business cases.
- Apr 14-15 Using Sage X3 SQL Views to create Requesters/Queries – Level 1: Discover how to use Sage X3 SQL views to extend the potential you have to create complex requesters/queries.
- Apr 19-20 Understanding and Managing Supply Chain Constraints: Learn the different constraints (Production Constraints, Flow Constraints, and Storage Constraints). You will also learn how to include other constraints including: Supplier, Manufacturing, Storage, Loading/Unloading, Demand Fulfillment, and Time-Phased Constraints to manage the needs of the customer in Sage X3.
- Apr 21-22 Shop Floor Tracking Best Practices: How to enhance the manufacturing offer for additional industries and verticals.
- Apr 22-29 Project Management Implementation Best Practices: gain a better understanding of the PJM structure and flow giving you a better understanding of how you can customize the PJM structure based on a user’s requirements.
- Apr 25-26 Mastering Settings for WIP Accounting: Define information to utilize WIP accounting for a specific company and be able to reconcile the movements between the accounting and manufacturing modules.
- Apr 25-28 Core Model Approach Best Practices: Learn about the corporate logic integrating each factory’s distinctive features and creating consistency between various productions sites.
- Apr 25-28 Advanced Development Best Practices: Learn tested and trusted development best practices representing the most efficient and effective development methods recommended by our experts.
- Apr 26-27 Mastering Invoicing Elements in Sales and Purchasing: Attend this expert level workshop to see advanced settings of Invoicing Elements
- Apr 26-29 Understanding different Configurator Scenarios: After attending this session you will have a better understanding on: the Configurator philosophy and limitation, be familiar with the Configurator set up process, and be able to set up Configurator scenarios.
- Apr 26-29 Distribution Best Practices Tips & Tricks: Learn about best practices and tips and tricks for defining advanced settings to help resolve these challenges.
For more information about these workshops, or any other Sage X3 questions, please contact your Sage X3 Account Manager: Tom Dieterle, Jaleidy Tannenbaum, or Sonia Ferrera.