Sage Pro ERP Pick Lists: Having it YOUR Way!
Do you spend a lot of time looking for a customer in Sage Pro ERP, only to give up and add a new customer record instead? Do you wonder why finding your product codes has to be so difficult when you only have 10,000 SKUs? Have you forgotten who “that guy” was that you bought an item from 4 years ago?
Join Lesley Slepian, Sage Pro ERP Practice Manager and John Guglielmo, Sage Pro ERP Applications Specialist for a 50 minute lunch time Webinar on Wednesday, July 14th at 12:15 p.m. ET. They will share detailed techniques for changing your pick lists so they work for you. You will understand how to modify pick lists and how to use them to save you time and effort. Join us and then share your ideas on an open mike at the end of the presentation.