Sage 300 Newsletter – Q2 2020
Keeping You Up-To-Date With Information About Sage 300
Don’t Let This Happen to Your Business: Taking Cyberthreats Seriously
Imagine for a moment that all the priceless data in your Sage 300 software was suddenly locked up, unreachable, preventing you from conducting business, taking and shipping orders, collecting accounts receivable, paying bills, responding to customers, etc. etc. etc. Pretty bad.
This can happen in a number of ways, fire, flood, tornado, physical theft, things we usually protect our business from, but one that is becoming much more common is Ransomware. Held for ransom, sounds like an old suspense movie plot, but it is all too real in the era of our all digital world. And unfortunately, something too many businesses are not taking adequate measures to prevent.

Cybersecurity Strategies: Preventing, Detecting & Responding to a Digital Attack
It can be six figure demand to get your data back if at all. Imagine the potential losses, even if you could pay. Not a pleasant, actually quite an awful disaster to imagine. I’m sorry to bring it up. But it is all too real.
A few months ago, in the NY Times, it was reported “Ransomware Attacks Grow, Crippling Cities and Businesses”. Hackers are locking people out of their networks and demanding big payments to get back in. New data shows just how common and damaging the attacks have become.” You might have read about such an attack or know a business owner who has been hit.
I personally have had 6 clients get hit, they did not heed advise, or thought they had, to take necessary precautions. Can’t happen to us, were too small, were protected we have a backup. But it was not enough. One client faced a six figure demand that they could not pay, almost ended their business, they were able to recover, but it took weeks and at great expense. Another had a demand for payment in Bitcoin, which they could not get, they had to rebuild their entire system.
What can you do?
As a full-service business technology provider, Net at Work has many options for you. The fastest and best is adopting Net at Work Cloud, takes all the worry and headaches of on-premises serves off your plate. We have other options as well.

Sage 300 and The Power of The Cloud
Date: June 22
Talk to your own IT provider or Net at Work for more information. Always good to get a second opinion in matters like this. Also talk to your insurance broker about Cyber Insurance.