Employer Solutions / HRMS Newsletter – January 2020
Keeping You Up-To-Date With Information About Employer Solutions / HRMS
From the Desk of the Employer Solutions Practice Director
As we begin this new year, we all face challenges within our respective organizations. As I speak to our customers, the issue at the forefront for our customers is how to capitalize on their human capital to remain competitive in their marketplace.
Our customers realize their operations, policies and processes need to be more flexible in order for their employees to become more engaged, more productive and more likely to stay with the organization.
For Net at Work and specifically the Employer Solutions Practice, we strive to help our customers to unleash their potential through technology and assist in maximizing the fullest of their HCM solutions. Within this newsletter we address technology issues with respect to time and attendance policies; we address using technology via gamification to motivate and gain efficiencies; and we address the new overtime rule changes and what needs to be done to comply with these changes.
As you know Sage has announced an end of life for the Abra Suite product. This end of life consists of Sage’s last update being released in September 2020 and support ending on December 28, 2020. This means that those customers still on the Abra Suite version need to make plans now as to how they will handle their human resource needs going forward. Net at Work has created several options and approaches that our customers can take as a strategic move to accommodate this end of life.
Another resource that the Net at Work team will begin is to offer a different approach to our lunch & learn series. Beginning in February, we will be rotating from month to month offering first in February a payroll tips & trick session followed later in the month with a session where we review a specific payroll report. The alternate month, we will offer an HR tips & trick session with another session that month reviewing an HR report. These sessions are free to our customers and the reports discussed will be provided to the session attendees at no cost.
We at the Employer Solutions Practice are always striving to exceed our customers’ expectations and welcome input as to how we can improve services.