Sage 300 Newsletter – November 2016
Keeping You Up-To-Date With Information About Sage 300
Turbocharge Your Business with these Inexpensive Sage 300 Add-On Applications
One of the many great things about Sage 300 is the extensive library of add-on applications made for Sage 300 that are designed to perform specific functions to make your business better, staff more effective, make more money.
What are add-on applications you ask? They are special programs developed by very qualified Sage Development Partners using the Sage SDK (Software Development Kit) which makes them look and feel like they are just another module in Sage 300.
Think of it like your car, most automobiles today are built to include specialized components not made by your car company. Some of these are incorporated before you buy the car, others installed by your dealer, or you may add them yourselves after purchase. Examples include an awesome audio system, navigation packages, special tires, roof racks, a turbocharger to name a few, all are designed to make your driving experience better.
Sage 300 is the same, the core system is amazing, loaded with features and functionality, but let’s face it every business is different and yours may need special functionality that others do not. Why not leave these specialized functions to Sage 3rd Party developers that are focused on just that specific need?
These applications are generally not expensive to buy and install and produce a return on investment measured in weeks or months not years. Some of the most popular Sage 300 Add-on Applications include:
For Banking and Payments, we have Orchid EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) Processing. Sick of processing all those paper checks, this is a great way to make it all electronic. On the other hand, if you still want paper and are done with having to hand sign all those checks a powerful tool like PrintBoss allows you to affix secure digital signatures and more, including bank required positive pay files. Once it is all done the easy to use bank reconciliation tool, RecXpress, makes this often tedious process faster and easier. All three of these are worth looking into.
They say accurate management of your business assets is a key to success, tens sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost through neglect in this area simply because it is just too time consuming to keep track and spreadsheets are often inaccurate. To the rescue we offer Norming Asset Manager and Sage Fixed Assets the later was once was a 3rd party publisher but was acquired by Sage in 2000. Two great applications that automate and improve asset management.
We could fill this newsletter with articles on the many add-on applications available today but don’t have the space. But in closing we’ll mention two more integrated Sage 300 Add-ons that practically cost nothing but can save you a boatload and those are Net at Work Swype Credit Cards Processing and Vertex Sales Tax.
Why don’t you go ahead and pick up your phone and call or shoot an email to your account manager to arrange a free no obligation introduction to any one of these powerful applications for your Sage 300.